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Nolan King
Nolan King

Province Id Crusader Kings 2

Ownership of certain "special/key" provinces will trigger certain nation-wide modifiers. There are five such modifiers that require ownership as a prerequisite. They are all found in the triggered_modifiers.txt file in your "..\Europa Universalis III\common" folder.

province id crusader kings 2

Here is an updated list of land provinces used in Europa Universalis III (Divine Wind 5.1). Each province is listed with its ID#, capital, continent, region(s), and an indication of whether or not it has a port. There are 1356 land provinces in all. The codes for the region names are listed further down.

AC = Australian Coast, AD = Andalusia, AM = Asia Minor, AN = The Andes, AO = Atlantic Ocean Islands, AQ = Aquitania, AR = Aragon, AT = Anatolia, AU = Austria, AZ = Amazonas, BE = Belarus, BI = British Isles, BO = Bohemia, BR = Brittany, BU = Bulgaria, BZ = Brazil, CA = Central America, CB = The Caribbean, CF = Central Africa, CH = China, CR = Croatia, CS = Castille, DA = Dacia, DE = Denmark, EA = Eastern America, EB = Eastern Balkans, EC = East Asian CoT, EN = Eastern North America, ES = Eastern Siberia, ET = East Asian Trade Port, EX = Essex, FC = Franconia, FI = Finland, FR = France, GA = Gallia, GE = German Region, GN = Greenland, GP = The Great Plains, GR = Greece, HE = Helvetia, HI = Highlands, HU = Hungary, IB = Iberian Peninsula, IC = Indian Coast, ID = Indonesia, IE = Ireland, IN = India, IO = Indian Ocean Islands, IR = Iceland Region ("iceland_region" in game), IT = Italy, JE = Jagellonian Empire, JP = Japan, KO = Korea, LE = Leon, LI = Lithuania, LM = Lombardia, LO = Lowlands, LP = La Plata, LT = Lotharingia, MA = The Middle-East and Central Asia, MC = Ming China, ME = Mercia, MI = Mascarene Islands, MN = Manchuria, MP = Malopolska, MR = The Mississippi Region, NA = North America, NE = The Netherlands, NF = North Africa, NG = Northeastern Germany, NN = Northern America, NO = Norway, NU = Northumbria, NW = Northwest America, NZ = New Zealand, OC = Occitania, OS = Old Saxony, PA = Pacific Ocean Islands, PE = Persia, PO = Portugal, RT = Ruthenia, RU = Russia, SA = South America, SB = Swabia, SC = Scandinavia, SE = Serbia, SF = South Africa, SL = Slovakia, SM = The Spanish Main, SN = Spanish Netherlands, SW = Sweden, TC = The Thirteen Colonies, TS = Two Sicilies, TU = Turkey, WA = Western America, WB = Western Balkans, WE = Westphalia, WF = West African Coast, WI = Wielkopolska, WL = Wales, WS = Western SiberiaNote that many Asian provinces are not part of any regions.

Provinces can be edited by opening them with a text editor such as Notepad. They are found in the ..\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces folder. Note: This sets how the provinces will start off in a new game (May 30, 1453)

The file works based upon a point system, with the more "hits" in the province list the more likely the realm is to get the province in EU4. So if a county is listed twice it corresponds to two points, while a county that is listed once will have one point. That is the reason for why duchies are in the list, as it gives more weight to the one who owns the duchy for the conversion.[1]

In the example, c_vestisland is the title ID in Crusader Kings II (title IDs are defined in the \common\landed_titles folder), 370 is the province ID in Europa Universalis IV, while 370 - Reykjavik is the province ID and name in Europa Universalis IV (which is the filename in the \history\provinces folder) and Vestisland - Reykjavik are the title name in Crusader Kings II and province name in Europa Universalis IV.

Both duchy and province titles from Crusader Kings II can be defined, but in case there is both a duchy and a county for the same Europa Universalis IV province, the duchy needs to be specified, by adding Duchy before the Crusader Kings II title name.

In his letter the lone crusader mentioned that the process of procurement was completely manipulated and hijacked by the big contractors. They had been able to get all sorts of help from the officials in the National Highway Authority of India and even the notesheets carrying approval of the Chairman have been leaked. Ironically, even the Central Vigilance Commissioner has said that the problems and lapses pointed out by Mr Dubey were what the Vigilance Commission had found during its technical audit of the project. The least that the government can do for the slain engineer is to make sure that the clean-up operation that he wanted to be launched is carried out immediately. Thought for the day


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